A multiple-input multiple-output system is written in terms of the component input vector
generating a set of simultaneous linear equations, where the matrix is . The component system output vector may be found by substituting this solution for into the output equation as in Eq. 2:
and expanding the inverse in terms of the determinant and the adjoint matrix
where is defined to be the matrix transfer function relating the output vector to the input vector :
For a system with inputs and outputs is a matrix whose elements are individual scalar transfer functions relating a given component of the output to a component of the input . Expansion of Eq. 3 generates a set of equations:
where the th component of the output vector is:
The elemental transfer function is the scalar transfer function between the thoutput component and the th input component. Equation 5 shows that all of the transfer functions in have the same denominator factor , giving the important result that all input-output differential equations for a system have the same characteristic polynomial, or alternatively have the same coefficients on the left-hand side.
If the system has a single-input and a single-output, is a scalar, and the procedure generates the input/output transfer operator directly.